Love these commericals:

courtesy of bj. And after visiting his blog, I suppose this would be a “RT”. oh twitter. Enjoy!

socal post


For some reason, I always feel like blogging when I travel. It’s like the two things are connected in my brain. Anyways, I drove down to Socal with Joey and will be going back up Friday morning. The weather’s been REALLY nice.

Interesting surprise when I got home:

She is 2 months old and seems to love eating grass. So far she only has a Chinese name (sheep sheep, but in Chinese). Help me name her!

I got this from Digg (I think it’s front page?), but anyhow I really liked it. Probably cause I really like Calvin and Hobbes. Someone commented on the fact that ‘a kid like Calvin can grow up and be OK’ gives him hope. I thought that was funny =) I wonder if he married Susie. Probably.

It’s weird to see this picture because I don’t ever expect Calvin to “grow up.” Holey Moley.. and I guess, in many ways I feel similarly. Growing up is a crazy thing. This year, more than any, I’ve thought “Wow I’m 23…when did that happen?” It’s weird hearing about my friends getting married/engaged. It’s weird being asked when I’m getting engaged/married. (I get to be part of a wedding party soon and I’m super excited about that! Tangent). It’s weird having to make choices about career, choices about life, choices that have such visible impact..

Hmmm, at the same time, I’m also thankful for the things that haven’t changed. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. God had plans for me and will continue to. My parents are still excited to pray with me. Kat is still coool and extremely crazy. I can still go to Jeff when I don’t understand relationship stuff. Living Water is still very much about Jesus.. 

Hm, my blogging is very choppy today. Not sure why. Maybe my tired mind can only think in short sentences. =(

Anyways, this verse  came to mind —  “from the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised.” I hope that would be my life. Wherever the sun is in my life — rising, mid-day, setting, eclipse, whatever — that I would be praising the Lord. If you are the praising the Lord, you are an extremely blessed person, as the implications of that first part are tremendous!  Maybe for another day. It’s super late! Good night world.

Oh! I decided to try out twitter again. I don’t really know what to do with it. But you can “follow” (?) me here. I feel like a fob dad trying to learn  about new technology.. 

comet lulin


Pretty cool. Check it out. You can see it for these couple of nights supposedly.

I am a green fireball.

I am a green fireball.

This site has a cool space picture and an explanation everyday.

next question.


Since everybody loved my previous riddle (and thought it was so clever), I have some more questions. I think I am a curious person.

1) Where do snails go when it’s not raining? 

2) Where do squirrels go when it rains?

Are these even squirrels?

Are these even squirrels?



Quiznos is giving out 1 million free subs. You can get it here. You are welcome.

This is taken from My Utmost for His Highest, which you can read daily here. Read it slowly… 🙂

“If human love does not carry a man beyond himself, it is not love. If love is always discreet, always wise, always sensible and calculating, never carried beyond itself, it is not love at all. It may be affection, it may be warmth of feeling, but it has not the true nature of love in it.

Have I ever been carried away to do something for God not because it was my duty, nor because it was useful, nor because there was anything in it at all beyond the fact that I love Him? Have I ever realized that I can bring to God things which are of value to Him, or am I mooning round the magnitude of His Redemption whilst there are any number of things I might be doing? Not Divine, colossal things which could be recorded as marvellous, but ordinary, simple human things which will give evidence to God that I am abandoned to Him? Have I ever produced in the heart of the Lord Jesus what Mary of Bethany produced?

There are times when it seems as if God watches to see if we will give Him the abandoned tokens of how genuinely we do love Him. Abandon to God is of more value than personal holiness. Personal holiness focuses the eye on our own whiteness; we are greatly concerned about the way we walk and talk and look, fearful lest we offend Him. Perfect love casts out all that when once we are abandoned to God. We have to get rid of this notion – “Am I of any use?” and make up our minds that we are not, and we may be near the truth. It is never a question of being of use, but of being of value to God Himself. When we are abandoned to God, He works through us all the time.”



A man is lying down. He is not dead. He opens his eyes and everything is blurry. Relieved to find everything blurry, he is happy and closes his eyes again. Why?

So starting in 2009, Kat and I started reading the Bible in a year. She found this schedule that leads you through it chronologically — so we read a few chap of Genesis, then all of Job then back to Genesis, etc. Anyways, I read a verse last night that I thought was really cool.

Pharaoh heard that Joseph’s brothers have come to Egypt looking for food and he invites the entire family to stay.

 19 “You are also directed to tell them, ‘Do this: Take some carts from Egypt for your children and your wives, and get your father and come. 20 Never mind about your belongings, because the best of all Egypt will be yours.’ ”

I really like v. 20 because it reminds me of what God has in store for me or any other person who decides to “move to Egypt.” It’s saying to forget what you previously had and knew, there’s something much greater coming. And it’s gonna be awesome. Also, I think it’s implied that what Egypt offered Joseph’s family will take care of whatever (and more) they were leaving behind. And so it is with Jesus.. 

Speaking of Jesus, this reminds me of stuff that He taught. 

 44“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.

That has got to be the shortest story everrr. It also illustrates a man that clearly (and simply) understood the above principle. What God has for us is worth far more than what we can earn and hoard on our own. With joy he gave up his stuff for God’s. It’s kinda like.. winning the super lottery. Would you sell your stuff to buy the winning lottery ticket? and Jesus has got to be worth more than a lottery ticket.. I often need to be reminded of how great it is for me to know Christ. 

hmm, Matthew Henry says something similar – Thus those for whom Christ intends shares in his heavenly glory ought not to regard the stuff of this world: The best of its enjoyments are but stuff, but lumber; we cannot make sure of it while we are here, much less can we carry it away with us; let us not therefore be solicitous about it, nor set our eyes or hearts upon it. There are better things reserved for us in that blessed land ..

hmm he says it a lot more eloquently than I do 😛

Or maybe Jim Elliot – “he is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep for what he cannot lose”

short and sweet.